The Patient Journey
We understand that an attractive smile has an important impact on self-confidence, appearance and self-esteem. With guidance from us, we will help you make the appropriate choice for you.
New Patient Assessment

For a full consultation and to ensure we analyse your case thoroughly, you'll be at the practice
for about 1 hour, although you will not leave wearing any braces today. You will be introduced
to the team who will talk to you about any concerns you may have about your teeth. Dr Richard
Cure will then see you and prescribe if x-rays or any other records are required.
The whole process will be explained to you fully, and once assessed, Richard will then advise
you of your treatment options. The LSO team will ensure that you leave with all your questions
answered, you feel fully confident and understand all treatment options discussed. Remember, the
decision for treatment is entirely your own.
Pre Treatment Appointment - Records

At this appointment your treatment plan, which was previously discussed with Dr Cure, will be
confirmed with you. Before starting treatment, all necessary further records needed will be
taken, which will include intraoral (inside the mouth) scans of your teeth, any further
radiographs if required, as well as photographs of you and your teeth.
Intra-oral scanning technology means that impressions of your teeth are not required at LSO to
obtain models of your teeth before treatment. Photographs are taken throughout treatment. We
will also discuss the wear and care of your appliance and ensure that all questions you have are
answered - as next time your brace will be fitted.
Following this visit you will be sent a treatment estimate via email. You will need to read,
print and sign this estimate prior to your next appointment and return the completed paperwork
to reception. We will then be able to make you an appointment to have your brace fitted. Please
be aware that we do require a 25% non-refundable deposit to be paid when booking this
Fitting Your Fixed Brace

You will usually have a 1 hour appointment; fitting your brace takes approximately 45 minutes. There are no drills or injections involved in the procedure; the process is one of cleaning, washing and drying your teeth, followed by sticking the brace to your teeth. Your lips and cheeks will be held out of the way of your teeth during this process. Please don’t feel concerned about the process of fitting your brace, however immediately afterwards it will feel a little strange and uncomfortable. We expect it to take from 3-10 days for you to get used to your brace, and some general aching and discomfort is normal and can be expected for the first 3-4 days.
During Active Treatment

Please contact the practice if you encounter a problem and we will arrange an extra appointment for you. One of the orthodontic therapists will see you and will discuss the issue. Your appliance will be adjusted or repaired as necessary and we will ensure it is comfortable before you leave. We will happily give further advice on appliance care if required.
Routine AdjustmentYour fixed appliance will be checked and, if your teeth are ready, the next stage of wire will be fitted. Any other general alterations will be made, sometimes including the removal or sticking on of new brackets, build up of your turbos and sometimes fitting of hooks and elastics. All will be explained to you during the appointment. Routine photographs will be taken throughout treatment.
Debond (Removal of Your Brace)

When yourself and Dr Cure are happy with the result, your braces are removed. It is a quick process to remove the brace; each bracket is ‘clicked’ off one by one as the glue is debonded with a small amount of pressure on each tooth. The remaining glue is then cleaned off and impressions/scans and photographs will be taken.

Removable retainers are fitted within 24 hours following the removal of your fixed appliance. We use clear plastic retainers that you must wear, to ensure your teeth stay in their new position. Retainers are a lifelong commitment and we will never advise that you stop wearing your retainers. We will review your retainers for the first 12 months post active treatment. We then suggest you join our retainer care programme and pay to have your retainers checked annually. However, should you have a problem with your retainers, we advise you make an appointment to see us as soon as possible.
Get in touch
Leamington Spa Orthodontics is situated in a beautiful, period building in the heart of Leamington Spa.